
What's Causing Wisdom Teeth Infections

What's Causing Wisdom Teeth Infections

What's Causing Wisdom Teeth Infections

A wisdom tooth infection can be incredibly painful, so it's essential to seek proper treatment to stop the condition from getting worse. Anyone who has suffered from severe pain caused by a wisdom tooth infection will understand that it's crucial to avoid getting involved in this situation. One common sign of a wisdom tooth infection is experiencing unbearable pain in the affected area.

The reasons for wisdom teeth infections often differ, and this blog sheds light on the possible causes of this infection.

Wisdom Teeth: What are They?

The final set of teeth that an adult develops are called third molars or wisdom teeth. These teeth usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. They are frequently extracted since the mouth does not have much room. Wisdom teeth might cause issues if there is not enough room for them to squeak between the gums and teeth. They may find their way into the cramped area at strange angles, making cleaning more difficult and raising the possibility of infection. Moreover, wisdom teeth might worsen orthodontic treatment difficulties or cause harm to neighboring teeth by pressing against them. This is why dentists frequently remove them.

Causes of Wisdom Teeth Infection

Wisdom teeth are more difficult to clean and can thus become infected. Food particles and microorganisms have the ability to lodge between the gums and teeth. When brushing and flossing, it might be possible that you overlook the area between your wisdom teeth and the rear of your mouth.

Your wisdom tooth may not erupt through your gums properly if it is impacted. It may grow entirely sideways, grow in at an angle, or emerge partially.

An infection is more likely to occur with partially impacted wisdom teeth. This is because degradation is more prone to occur due to their form and angle. When germs proliferate and create holes in the hard enamel covering the outside of teeth, cavities or tooth infections result.

Numerous types of bacteria have the potential to create an infection in the vicinity of a wisdom tooth. In rare instances, this infection can extend to other parts of the mouth too.

What are the Symptoms and Signs of a Wisdom Tooth Infection?

You can feel discomfort in or around the tooth if you have an infection in your wisdom teeth. There may be pain in the side of your face or in your jaw. A wisdom tooth infection can cause fever, enlarged lymph nodes, and foul breath. The earliest indication of a wisdom tooth infection could be gum edema and red, swollen gums around the teeth.

Additional signs of an infection in the wisdom teeth:

  • Difficulty in opening mouth
  • Difficulty swallowing and chewing
  • Pus emanating from the gums
  • Tense jaw
  • Sore throat

An infection in the wisdom teeth could spread to the jaw, upper respiratory tract, and mouth. Sepsis, an acute immunological reaction to an illness, can occasionally result from the infection.

Wisdom Teeth Infection Treatment

You have three primary options for treatments if your wisdom teeth are infected:

  • Using medicine to treat the tooth
  • Using dental work to fix it
  • Surgery for tooth extraction

To determine the best course of action, your dentist will first inspect your wisdom tooth and take an X-ray. Then, they could prescribe antibiotics and painkillers to stop the germs from spreading and treat the infected tooth.

After the infection has been treated, the impacted teeth will either be extracted or fixed. Wisdom teeth cavities can necessitate crowns or fillings, just like other cavities. To remove any sharp edges that could catch food or bacteria, the tooth's top or sides could also need to be filed down.

If the tooth is severely damaged, your dentist might extract it completely or partially. Dental surgery may also be necessary for a severely infected impacted tooth.


Dealing with a wisdom tooth infection can be painful and challenging, but understanding the causes and symptoms can help you take action early. If you suspect an infection, it is important to seek treatment promptly to prevent the condition from worsening. Your dentist can recommend the best course of action, whether medication, dental work, or extraction. By staying informed and proactive, you can protect your oral health and avoid the discomfort that comes with wisdom teeth infections. For better oral health, visit Krushna Orthodontic Dental Clinic for wisdom tooth removal in Dattawadi Pune.